
Monday, August 4, 2014

Good Times, Great Friends!

Sounds like a beer commercial. The truth is that I have been so busy this summer that I remembered I needed to Blog in August???.
Apologies all around, but I forget that people might want to know what I have been up to.

So here Goes! 

I work for JKPublishing as an Author, and some of my peers are organizing a blog Hop to showcase their newest book covers of books that will be released In August 2014 and even September 2014.  Some of the Writers are seasoned veterans and some will have their usual ( like me) "Here I am, this was my last release, and I am extremely proud of my accomplishments!"

I am proud to introduce the newest members of the JKPublishing roster of writers. I am Waiting for the cover picture of Lei Carol, the third newest Author! Will post that as soon as I get it.