The wintertime blues are fast approaching and I am fighting that urge to "cave" as in Hibernate. Like a bear or a squirrel. I have made my preparations for the winter; filled the freezer, stocked up on baking supplies, restocked and updated cold medicines, and saved dozens of books on my Kindle for those times when there is nothing more attractive to do than snuggle up to a good book and enjoy!
I am finding myself pushing others to do something out of character.Take a chance, step out of your comfort zone and do something daring. Do something to make yourself happy, Whatever you always wanted to create, do it! Make your Soul HAPPY ! Don't wait until you are in your later years to write that book, learn to cook, go on a trip, or tell someone you previously thought was unattainable, that you Love Them.
I went on that journey last year and I have to say it was one of the smartest things I have ever done. I took a chance on myself and found out that I could be a Published Author. I have written for years, and one night I finally got the nerve to push that ENTER button. Six, soon to be Seven books later, is it any wonder that I push others to take a chance on themselves? Don't wait for "Someday." Do it.
Now, Onto Information you can use!
A friend of mine has begun a BLOG, yes she is one of us who has taken a chance on herself, with wonderful results. She is probably one of the funniest, yet spot on women that it has been my privilege to know and read. I highly recommend her BLOG to lighten up your bad or Blah day. Enjoy!
Jana Leigh has written a book that will make you cry like a baby, live in the lives of her characters and finish the book feeling good. She is Donating 100% of the proceeds.
proceeds from this book Go to the Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund,
This is a wonderful Book and is part of a great series. Jana Leigh has
written this and as everyone should know, JKPublishing is an avid
supporter of the United States Armed Forces.
Bless you, Every man, woman, & child that has made so many sacrifices for our country.
This is just the trailer, The book is at ALL retailers for E-Books. Her Gift will be considerable, considering that it hit into the top of the numbers within minutes of publication.
Enjoy your week!