
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wonderful Days !!!

Today is my turn at the Jk Publishing Blog Hop and I am tickled.

I wish to thank all of you for being such great fans! So, This means I will be giving away
  •  2  10$ Amazon Gift cards
  •  5 Swag bags Containing Warming Lotion, Heat up Hearts, and more!
  •  2 e- books from the JK Publishing web site!

Just leave a message here on my blog and make sure to include your e-mail address for your chance to win!! I Love my readers and hope to see you all get a chance to win!

Be sure to visit the other Blogs to give yourself better odds of winning.

In other news! 

My next book Is Titled A Place For Us.

          Ventura Sidewell has been forced to lead a very solitary life, Fortunes change, Life gets bigger and Two men must teach her to trust in love.

        The two men came toward her and she felt her heart thump hard.  Side by side they were opposites but together they looked like a feast for a sex starved woman such as herself.  It had been a year and a half since her last tryst with an accommodating man.  He had been hard to say goodbye to.  She knew that he loved her, and would have stuck it out until she drove him away, but she didn’t want to string him along like that.
     Rance removed the handcuffs once Thorn had helped her to stand up.  “I am letting you go with Thorn.  He will take you somewhere safe and keep you hidden until we catch Kenneth Burns.  Thorn tells me that your mother is stashed in a safe place with a bodyguard already, so you will not have to fret about her.  I am sorry for the screw up in your plans, but right now, your life may well be in jeopardy.  I am sure your lawyer can take care of things for you here for a short while.”  As he spoke, Rance could see that there was going to be another rant from Ventura Sidewell.  That beautiful mouth was opening to make her demands and complaints.  He did something that could get him fired and probably sued to boot.  He gave into temptation and leaned in for a swift kiss, touching her tongue with his through her open mouth.
Hawks Nest is coming along nicely. It is the 2nd book in the Tremble Island series and is a very fun book to write!  I love my World!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Let's get Enthusiastic!

    The wintertime blues are fast approaching and I am fighting that urge to "cave" as in Hibernate. Like a bear or a squirrel. I have made my preparations for the winter; filled the freezer, stocked up on baking supplies, restocked and updated cold medicines, and saved dozens of books on my Kindle for those times when there is nothing more attractive to do than snuggle up to a good book and enjoy!

  I am finding myself pushing others to do something out of character.Take a chance, step out of your comfort zone and do something daring. Do something to make yourself happy,  Whatever you always wanted to create, do it!  Make your Soul HAPPY ! Don't wait until you are in your later years to write that book, learn to cook, go on a trip, or tell someone you previously thought was unattainable, that you Love Them. 

   I went on that journey last year and I have to say it was one of  the smartest things I have ever done.  I took a chance on myself and found out that I could be a Published Author.  I have written for years, and one night I finally got the nerve to push that ENTER button. Six, soon to be Seven books later, is it any wonder that I push others to take a chance on themselves?  Don't wait for "Someday."  Do it. 

   Now, Onto Information you can use! 

      A friend of mine has begun a BLOG, yes she is one of us who has taken a chance on herself, with wonderful results.  She is probably one of the funniest, yet spot on women that it has been my privilege to know and read.  I highly recommend her BLOG to lighten up your bad or Blah day. Enjoy!

Jana Leigh has written a book that will make you cry like a baby, live in the lives of her characters and finish the book feeling good.  She is Donating 100% of the proceeds.

All proceeds from this book Go to the Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund, This is a wonderful Book and is part of a great series. Jana Leigh has written this and as everyone should know, JKPublishing is an avid supporter of the United States Armed Forces.

Bless you, Every man, woman, & child that has made so many sacrifices for our country.

This is just the trailer, The book is at ALL retailers for E-Books. Her Gift will be considerable, considering that it hit into the top of the numbers within minutes of publication.  

Enjoy your week!

Friday, October 18, 2013

What A Week!

     Rane's Giants is Still being accepted by my lovely readers! I am geeked.

Maybe I should not share this information, however, I feel that my disclosure will perhaps inspire new Author's in a small way.  You see, I sent Rane's Giants to another Publisher, And it was rejected. Yes, even a book as good as Rane's Giants was rejected by one publisher.  I decided to self publish the book because I believed in it. I knew it was a good story and the rest of the series will be just as good.

    I shipped it to a few people I trust to tell me the truth, just in case it was a case of self delusion. No one could figure out why the book had been turned down, in fact I was gratified and humbled by the positive response I received. I was pushed and shoved to submit the book with a very few "tweeks" to JK PUBLISHING.  Primarily I must add by Mary@menagereviewer.

   I finally gave in and talked with Jana Leigh CEO of JK Pub. and thoroughly enjoyed the conversation. Rane was submitted and I signed the contract.  I cannot say enough about the support network this Publisher has in place for their Authors who are fortunate enough to write for them. Where I was used to e-mail only contact, I received personal phone calls and instant messages. I have been treated as one of the family of Author's and support staff. If I have a question, I get almost instant answers.  How Cool Is That????

The Authors that have joined this elite group have been very helpful and offer advice as needed, there are no Diva egos in this company. The support these people give each of their peers is unheard of in most publishing houses. I have to say I am proud to be one of this group of Amazing people.

The point of this disclosure is, do not give up on something you believe in, if one door closes, kick in the next or make your own doorway.  Waiting for someone to justify your hard work and love for writing is a waste of time. submit it or self publish it.

Coming Soon!

  My next book is a Christmas themed short story. Featuring some of my favorite people, WereWolf Shifters!  I Waited For You is the title of the book.  It is a short read at 24,450 words, but a tale of tragedy that culminates into lost love being rediscovered. I must caution my readers, this book contains violence and graphic retribution.  It also contains a beautiful scene of a Christmas miracle or two. I hope you all enjoy it and embrace my characters as much as I have.

   Hawk's Nest, Tremble Island is coming along nicely!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Loving my readers !!!

   I am overwhelmed with the show of support from my readers. You all are the greatest people in the world!  Rane's Giants has been enjoyed by a few hundred people to date and you have no idea how pumped I am to follow the book up with one just as good as Rane.

   The next book will be finished by Christmas, so save that Christmas money and gift card for January or February's release of Hawk's Nest.  I put a small snippet from Hawk's Nest at the end of Rane's Giants.

Here is the snippet. I hope you enjoy it!

Hawk’s Nest
Tremble Island

It had been six months since Hawk received the title of Lord Hawk, Overlord of Hawk’s Nest onTremble Island. He was appointed by the Lord of Tremble Isle himself, and he understood the importance of being the caretaker of one of the twelve Halls of Care.

In that time, he had settled the villagers and shifters into a daily routine of living without fear of their overlord. He had first asked for volunteers to join the guards and soldiers for the hall, its surrounding village, and countryside. The men were understandably wary and few stepped up to fill the need. Lord Tremble had thoughtfully left ten of the castle’s soldiers with him to get the hall in order. Three of them, all shifters, decided to stay and make lives in this place. The others would be leaving for the castle within the month. Forcing men into service to the Hall was not something he wished to do.

Families that had escaped from the hall before Lord Tremble attacked and won the battle for control, were being repatriated and should be returning within weeks. The lack of soldiers would bring the entire force of Hawk’s Nest to ten. The low number was unacceptable. Hawk’s Nest was a large holding with several hundred people within its scope. Ten soldiers would be a mere laugh should the hall be attacked.

Now there were five women standing before him requesting his indulgence in their wish to become soldiers. Two of the five were human, the other three were wolf and owls. The three shifters were sisters and were not willing to bow to another despotic overlord. The human women seemed harmless until he told them that he feared they might be weaker than the men they would fight against. Where the shifters could take flight on silent wings, the humans would be direct targets. He was surprised when one of the women held out her hand to him. When he took her hand, she curled her fingers over his wrist and somehow yanked him over her shoulder. He was left sitting on his ass in the dirt with her boot at his neck, as her counterpart grabbed his balls in her hand with enough pressure to assure him that she could damage his chances of fathering children. He actually had no reason to exclude the women from service to the hall. He had put each of them separately through their paces and found them to be extremely intelligent and eager to learn to fight and defend. He could imagine the teasing he would get from his peers about this, but he was desperate, and they were competent.

“You have all displayed proficiency and a willingness to defend this hall, and its entire people. Perhaps taking you on as soldiers will set a trend on the island. You will train with the forces from Tremble Castle until further notice.” Somewhere in the back of his brain, a plot was hatching. A force of women would be one element of surprise that no enemy would be expecting, no matter the gossip. No male wanted to do battle in a harmful way with a woman. Especially if they were trained secretly, under the cover of darkness and moonlight. The humans would need to hone their senses, but the result would be worth the pain they would feel from being attacked unaware. Any man that wanted to join the ranks out of ego, or spite, would have to best the female’s best fighter after they were trained. They would need a healer, and more women, many more women.

Any man, other than the ones who had already stepped up for service, would be assigned to a female as her second. If the men of this hall wanted to play the coward, then they would assume the role that had been given to women in the past. He found himself rubbing his hands in anticipation. “I have made a decision. Each of you are to come back tomorrow morning before sunrise with two other women that might wish to join. I want no females with toddling children, nor any women under the age of sixteen years. We will require the services of a healer or witch woman too. Older, less limber women can assume a support position if they choose.”

The females nodded to his decree. Some had small smiles on their lips and others eyes werenarrowed in thought. He knew they wondered what he was about. He wondered if he would be able to see this wicked plan through. There would be only one way to find out.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Time has flown

     This summer has been crazy busy.  If I want to think about it, the entire year has been busy for me, both as an Author and personally.  This year alone I have three new books with Siren Publishers.I am waiting to hear if Siren will pick up my Christmas book for the Tall Pines shifters series that began with Not Bad For An Amateur.  That book contains some very graphic, violent, scenes that are in keeping with the nature of Shifters.  Either way, I plan to continue the series.

And Next week,  October 8, 2013, I will have the first book of my new series,Rane's Giants, Book 1 of  TREMBLE ISLAND published under the tender care of JK Publishing. This is a new venture for me. 
    Tremble Island is an entire new world.  An unspoiled place where evolution is taking place and a Spaceship crashes on the planet that they call ECHO.  Tremble Island Is filled with evolving beings, Some have only one shape, some are talented with two, and some, hybrids, if you will, are gifted with more shapes. In this first book, the Lords of Tremble are each gifted with many animals to call to shape and nature.  

    I have not forgotten those gifted with Second sight, Witchery, and other powers that have evolved through the years. Rane is a Healer in the village, She has many natural gifts and uses them selflessly in her work. 

She may be little, and the villagers might want limited healing only contact with her, ( after all she IS a Witch) when Giants begin to appear in the Hall at Droildorf, her true calling becomes known.
  I love this story, and I love the next one that I am working on now to follow Rane's Giants. 

  Now that I have an entire planet to play on, I will run wild for a while, writing about the various new places to found on ECHO.  I am also writing the backstory of the humans that were sent into space to seed other worlds. The Scientists are a collection of Off the chart IQ's.  Like all scientists, they range from the analytical to the downright Bizarre.  ~SIGH~

   So many possibilities, and such a clean tablet to write on ! I had planned to self publish Rane's Giants, then, several people pointed me in JK publisher's direction and I am glad they did!
   I promised myself that I would work on and finish the numerous Works that are in Progress - WIP's, By the end of the year. That is still the plan with detours along the way. There are four stories waiting for my immediate attention. And probably four more that will take more time and thought to build into what I want them to become. 

   I hope you enjoy my new world as much as I have enjoyed building it. Please let me know how you felt about Rane's Giants when you are finished. I would love the feedback from verified readers.  Your opinions are important to me. 

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy September to all !!

     Life seems to be moving fast around here. In my last blog I said I was determined to self publish one of my favorite books to date. I am still determined to go the self publishing route. Only in a different way.

Yes, I am a woman, Yes I can change my mind.

     I has been pointed out to me that my readers expect certain things from my books

#1. A good love story without predictability. I hate predictable stories too.
#2. Strong women that choose to be with her men/man. No wishy washy pitiable females allowed, My ladies choose, rather than need a man to lean on and entrust her love to.  Women that can make it on their own, but choose to blend their lives with a lover.
#3. Hero's have to be intelligent, employed, & they MUST be sexy, well developed (yes there too) and handsome. They can have flaws, but their women must come first in their lives. Very strong protective streak is a must !
#4. The story must be more than 'just sex'. Yes to great sex. Yes to explicit, inventive sexual situations. No to strangers humping like bunny rabbits passing in the field.
#5. Enduring love, a love that can stay strong through hardship and good times. A Happy Ever After.

     It occurs to me that all of the above are actually traits that all humans wish for in a mate.  I will continue to bring those traits to my readers in the characters of my books.

     So, what to do, what to do, with the stories lying in wait deep inside my computer?  Those stories that are darker, more violent, more sadistic, just more than my faithful readers expect from me?

      Create another Pen name, and self publish the books that are beyond my normal.  The new name will help keep the confusion down. You expect certain things from Lynn Ray Lewis. You will continue to get them.

       Charlette Morgan is the darker side. more edge, more violence ( at times). And yes Sadist paired with masochist's. These are not your run of the mill BDSM stories. They do not contain misogynistic men, or pitiful, slavish women. They will continue to be strong individuals that choose to share their lives together. The characters fulfill needs in each other that only true masochists and sadists can give to each other. And they are love stories, stories of mutual respect, love that grows, and as always, a Happy Ever After.

     The first Charlette Morgan book is now for sale on Smashwords and its affiliates. It can be purchased for $ 1.99 as an introductory price. Control Inc. Wulfgang Style.
     This is definitely not a book for anyone under the age of 18. And it contains very strong sexual scenes.

    I have some other news that I cannot share with anyone as of yet, it is killing me to keep quiet for now. I promise, as soon as I can I will update you on this event.!

     Life is strange. As soon as you think you have it figured out, things change. For me this has been especially true this year. Doing the happy dance.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

I am excited!

     So many of my readers e-mail me to say how much they like my books, that I am inspired to keep it up! I have had to curb some of my more creative words due to publisher's constraints.   By that I do not mean anything against the publisher, I love Siren. They have some of the best writers of Erotic Romance on the market today. I am proud to be one of their family of writers.
     That being said, My earlier remark about constraints will no longer be a problem ( I hope).  The books that contain violence and blood and yes sometimes a bit of Gore, I have decided to self publish. 
     It did not occur to me to go this route until the stories began to pile up in my computer.  None of the publishing houses of Erotic Romance want to have blood and gore. Yet I am a firm believer in retribution for my characters.  This doesn't mean I write the slasher type of books. Let me give you a peek at what I am talking about.
     This is an excerpt from my first venture into self publishing, It has not been edited so please be kind about the goof ups. This is the first of what has become a series of books that will follow.

Excerpt From 
Rane's Giants ,
Series: The Lords and Ladies of Tremble Isle

**** The villagers would ultimately be the witness’s, and Lion was the judge. If it were left to her, Rane would give the villagers weapons, and allow them the satisfaction, and chance to re-claim what dignity they could find in killing those evil men.

Gorgile was a much larger village than Droildorf was. There were at least a hundred villagers assembled in front of the hall. They were surrounding Lord Loris, and three of his loyal followers that still lived. The people were emboldened by the presence of the Lord’s Tremble and their forces. They pelted the four helpless men with eggs, and rotting vegetables. Some threw stones. Each time a target was hit, the crowd cheered, urging on those with the most accurate aim.

Lion stood behind the people, allowing them their revenge for a few moments before he needed to break up their fun. The three remaining pregnant women advanced towards Loris. Lion began making his way to join the women, but he was not fast enough. The women gutted their former lord with sharp knives. All three bathed their hands in his blood. They turned to Lion as he stepped near. Their straight spines and hands held out to show Lord Tremble what they had done. There were no tears or begging for understanding and mercy.

Lion nodded his head in approval. The women stood tall and proud in front of him, and he would not punish them for taking retribution. From all accounts, half of the children running around the village were from the rape of young, unmarried women. No, he would not take them to task for their revenge. *****
      I hope you will be as supportive in this venture as you have been with my mainstream Erotic Romance's. I will continue to write Mainstream Erotic Romance, because I love a good love story, even without the harsher aspects. I hope to have Rane's Giants published before October 1st, 2013.


Thursday, August 15, 2013

How much is too much?

     Recently, I have been fielding questions concerning the amount of sexual activity in my books.  Too much  and not enough seems to have a war going on between them.

     From my understanding, two people want me to lay off the graphic wording and descriptions of the scenes I write. They want more realistic scenes. What?

     Show of hands, how many of us actually experience missionary sex as the only position we employ in our bedrooms, bathrooms, playrooms, dining rooms, and even kitchens?  Where is the creativity and fun in that? Shouldn't sex be fun and not a chore?

     Added to these questions, Why did you buy a book that explicitly states, Graphic Language and Sexual situations? Complaining to an Author that she or he has given you what you asked for when you purchased the book is a bit strange to me. 

     The other side of the fence is easy to answer.  I write stories.  I try to give my characters life.  They have families, they have to balance children, jobs, and paying the bills.  They have snooping cats and dogs that are as nosy as a toddler.  They are not sex toys unless there is a sex scene.  They have a story.  They fall in love.  Some (insert most) of my characters have a bit of kink in them.  I want them to have an enduring relationship.  They have to be vulnerable and courageous. I want them to be unashamed to show humility but are not the kind to wallow in their misery.

     All of this being said, I am continuing to write, edit and two books are just about ready to go to the publisher now. I hope they will be published before Christmas. At least that is the goal.

     Take care and I will get back to you with updates as they happen.
     And as a P>S> I got a great ego boost from another Author today. She told me that she really enjoyed my Not Bad for an Amateur book. That was good to hear.  It is always a boost to hear something nice like that from a peer. It is almost as good as getting an e-mail from a fan that tells me how much she loves my book(s).

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My goal this week...

We are enjoying the most moderate August in history here in Southwestern Michigan.  I like to take the laptop out to the back porch and write with my morning coffee.  The trees that surround our property are filled with life, and the sounds coming from them distract me so much that I just sit and listen.  Writing forgotten, coffee automatically going to my mouth as I enjoy the sounds and scents of nature. It is the most peaceful place I believe I have ever had the good fortune to be.

That being said, The stories begin to filter through my brain.  Dumb ones, really exciting ones, Stories that come in snippets, stories that unfold completely.  Is it any wonder that I have six different WIP's. Or works in Progress ?  I tend to finish two books within a week or two of each other at a time.  Then I finish two more shortly after that. 

Of course during the mean time I am beginning new books and snippets to follow up later on. At this moment, I have four books in my computer waiting to be edited before I send them to a publisher.  Then it is time to play "let's check our e-mail" three times a day. did the publisher e-mail you? did they accept the book?

I have a short 23,000 word Christmas story that has sat comfortably in my comp since last November. It is a M/F Shifter book. 

Then there is a 37,000 word book that is something new for me to write. Shifters with a few twists. I love this book and I might make it into a series, depending on my fans acceptance and my muse.

The second Tall Pines Shifter book is soon to be finished as in editing. Before I send that off. It has the backstory on the Tall Pines Shifters.  I can only say it involves a witch, and at least one (or two) spells that were shared with me by a card carrying, true to life, Strega Witch.  They are simple spells, but interesting and I am told very effective. The book is an M/F, with secondary characters that are M/M. I hope the sex scene for my secondary characters is allowed to stay in the story.

2 complete books in a different genre will sit until I decide what to do with them.

So, here I sit, with all of these books, all I need to do is make sure I edit them before sending them to the publisher. Why am I procrastinating?  My guilty secret is that I have the talent of a kindergartner when it comes to punctuation. Sad that a woman of my age has so much trouble figuring out where to put a lousy comma. I am pretty good at spelling, and spell check catches the few mistakes with that.

My goal this week is to buckle down and edit the books I have written to date, before starting any new ones. I have also promised myself that I would send them to the publisher as soon as I finish each one, so they do not lie forgotten in the depths of my computer for months before I remember they are there.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

How did you meet your spouse/ significant other?

     I recently asked a group of Authors and readers the question, "How did you meet your spouse/ partner/ significant other."  I was amazed to find that no less than 25% of the answers were, "Online".  This designation spanned between chat rooms, chat groups, gamers groups, and the varied and many E-Harmony type of sites on the web. Very few of those that met this way have since split up or divorced.  The majority have been married for many years and those couples are still very happy to this day.
     Of the couples that married a high school sweet heart, over half had split up during or shortly after graduation/ during college, then re-connected later. Again, the majority of those couples that had re-connected have been happily married for many years.
     There were numerous other sources of the initial meeting, Met through an ex partner, blind dates, at concerts, house parties and even the "our eyes met in a hallway, instant connection," meetings.
     I was so touched by all of their stories.  As I read them I smiled and even got teary eyed at the beautiful picture of the love they put into those posts. Some of their stories of the twists and turns their lives had to take to get to their happy place made me cry as if I was there seeing the things fall into place.
     Then there were the people, especially the ladies that had no one to call a love.  Tragically they confessed to giving up and resigning themselves to being alone for the rest of their lives. The reasons made my heart ache for those people. "I am old and a big girl, I am far from pretty, I am shy."  And the one that really made my blood boil,,"I am not worth it."
     First I want to hug these people and tell them they are worthy, believe in yourself.  Then I want to get my hands around the necks of the people that have brainwashed these people into believing such crap.  No one should feel unworthy of being valued and loved.  I want to take them out and introduce these people to life in the big world where there are people just like them, people who are looking, hoping to meet a person that will find them worthy.  Yes, even the "not so pretty / big people, / shy people.  I want to place their names on every dating meeting site on the web, introduce them to a room full of single people with similar interests and wants / needs.
     Sadly, I cannot do that for them.  Family, friends and yes they themselves have to step up and try to change their lives.  If you know such a person, please set them up on blind dates, introduce them to other people, tell them they are worthy, help them on a dating site. No one should feel unworthy of love. No one should be invisible. Everyone deserves a Happy Ever After. Or at the very least, a good friend to love and be loved and treasured by.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Adult excerpt: Not bad for an Amateur by Lynn Ray Lewis





[Ménage Amour: Erotic Paranormal Ménage a Trois Romance, M/F/M, werewolves, HEA]

Lily Nelson went looking for answers. She found much more than she was looking for. Between trying to contact weres to show or tell her how to live life as a once a month furry and uncovering a secret research program involving the government and the were community, she is in trouble. She has done the best she can on her own to find the answers she needs to get by, from meeting intimidating biker chicks to saving a were from a hunter. Now it is time for her to run to the men that she can't get out of her mind or senses.

Jim and Joel Logan have found their mate, now all they have to do is gain her cooperation and trust. They know she is theirs, but now she has to admit it. She is perfect for them. Smart, beautiful, and she smells like home. They can and do protect her from the corruption that she has brought to light.

 Adult Excerpt:

Tonight you can take as little or as much of us as you can or want to take. You get to call the shots tonight, little one.
“You smell fantastic. Did you know how crazy you have driven us since we picked you up this morning? You must be coming into heat because all I can think of is sinking into your warm, wet pussy and staying there for a while. Do you want me to suck these beautiful breasts? I love the way they pout at me. I think they are telling me to shut up and suck them.” Jim lifted her higher and took one nipple into his mouth. He pulled as much of her breast inside as he could and sucked strongly. He groaned at the taste of her tender skin. When he felt the shower of water on his hands become more forceful, he knew that Joel had the showerhead pointed at Lily’s crotch. She jumped and her head flopped back as she gasped. He began to lick and suck just the tips of her breasts. His teeth lightly nipped at the hard nubs causing little gasping noises from her. He loved hearing those small sounds and nipped a bit harder before bathing them with his tongue and moving on to the other nipple each time.
Joel played with Lily’s pussy and rear entrance with soapy fingers and then rinsed her thoroughly. She was still dripping her fragrant cream, and it was driving him insane. He inserted a finger into her tight vaginal opening and felt her body clamp down on it. He pushed a second finger inside and shuddered, thinking of sliding his thick cock inside of her little pussy and letting it strangle the sperm out of him. He removed his fingers from her pleading pussy and turned off the water then reached out of the shower to grab a towel to dry Lily’s back and hair. He hurriedly swiped a towel over his body and pulled her from Jim’s arms.
He carried her into the bedroom and placed her in the middle of the king-sized bed. Where Jim joined them on the opposite side of the bed. Joel finished drying her with a few swipes of the towel that was over his shoulder. He crawled between her thighs and spread her legs wide to look at the pretty fur-topped pussy. The sides and thick lips had no hair at all but she kept a neat little bush just over her clit. Joel wanted a taste and dove onto her wet slit with his mouth and tongue wringing a high-pitched scream from Lily’s throat.
Jim lay across the bed. His hand held her breast and squeezed the plump flesh. He pulled away from her delectable nipples to watch Joel making a meal out of her scented core. She whimpered and her hips tried to raise under his twin’s broad shoulders. Jim situated himself next to her shoulders, running his hands over her upper body. When Lily’s mouth dropped open and the long, low scream started as her body strained to move, Jim knew she was beginning to orgasm and leaned over to take her pleasure-filled breath into his mouth.
Joel couldn’t have stopped crawling up and positioning his hard cock at her tight hole. He could feel the way her vaginal sphincter clutched and released as he started to enter her tight body. This was the most incredible sex he had ever enjoyed. His brain was as engaged as his body, and the light-headed feelings drove him on.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Welcome to my blog!

Well, hello there!

This is my first blog ever and I am so happy to finally have one!

I am not a computer geek (duh) but I will do my best to make this blog fun and interesting.

You probably all read my "about me" but let me tell you a little bit more...

So I am an Erotic Romance Author at Siren Bookstrand. I already published five stories that you can check on the right of this post. 

Here is what you can find on my author page there:

I am the mother of four and still raising kids. I have worked in factories and yes, I have cleaned bathrooms as a job. When I became a Realtor I found my niche in the workplace. I love walking into houses and discovering the secrets that some homes can tell. Look at a kitchen doorway and you might be lucky enough to see the small nicks in the wood from parents measuring a child each year. I could go on and on, but this is a bio not a book.

I have been an avid reader since I first read the book Gone With The Wind at age nine. I didn’t understand it completely at that time, but I thought Rhett got a bad deal. But then I am a sucker for a happy ending. I have been writing short stories for years and always wanted to send my writings in to a publisher. The problem? I write what real people say. I describe my love scenes and sex scenes in explicit modern language. (Although I do love a historical romance.) I hope you enjoy my stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. My first series for Siren-BookStrand is the At The Lake series. Dizzy’s Story is the first, then Jane’s Story and last, but more intense, is Morgan’s Story.
 On top of now having a blog, you can find me on FACEBOOK and on TWITTER.

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